Sunday, March 1, 2009

Chronicles of the Brain Police featuring the Further Adventures of Brother Barry in

The War on poverty has always been credited by the late President Lyndon Johnson. However, we can always take it back further to the FDR policies of the 30's and the beginning of the govt interference of American life. This is America’s longest running war. Now, let me say this in defense of these policies in that not all of them are failures, but most assuredly all of them have not quite panned out for the monies spent on them. In short, the American taxpayer has come up on the short end of the economic spectrum here. All the while a complete segment of society has been torn apart by insane govt intrusions with the federal welfare system. And now Brother Barry wants to revisit this land of “milk and honey” for all.

The War On Poverty is officially in it’s forties now. What have Americans gotten for the trillions “invested” in this war? Well, we have grown a segment of society that has at least two generations living on the federal dole. Yes, most of them are black and living in the urban areas of the country. However, the very govt that offers to help them out is the same govt that tells them they are “victims” because they are black. Hmm, I guess certain black icons like Ray Charles, Gen. Colin Powell (retired), Langston Hughes, Justice Clarence Thomas, former Sec of State Condoleeza Rice, Sidney, Portier, and many, many more never would have made it with out govt intrusion in the lives. I wonder why so many more have not made it out of the ghetto because of welfare???

The War on Poverty has done nothing for American society except tear up the poorest of the poor and make indentured slaves of these people. What LBJ had started in the 60's was expanded in the 70's by Nixon. In other words, this is truly a bipartisan failure of a huge magnitude. Who thought is was a great idea to penalize families on welfare for having fathers in the household??? Single mothers were basically paid to have babies out of wedlock, and some of them did their duty to the state and made a nice income just by being a baby factory. In other words, the traditional mother/father dichotomy was replaced with the state as the father figure. No wonder we now have young adults with no direction in life. The state never provided that other part of parenting...the male part.

The War on Poverty has stolen form the poor and given to the wealthiest by way of govt intrusion. The govt has laid out so many programs on helping people that are not working to find a job. Great idea, but wrong approach. The best approach is still instilling these people that they can do anything they want and succeed. Most of these programs, past and present, rehash the same old crapola of learning to get a minimum wage job so they can be a wage earner. Fine and dandy, but how about instilling into them that no matter where they start they can move up the corporate ladder for success in their wallets and in life. Instead of “victimhood” how about a little desire to succeed instead???

The War on Poverty is a lesson in failure. It is an economic disaster in that we got damn little return for the money spent. It is a moral failure in that we have encouraged out of wedlock babies born for welfare dollars. It is also an American failure because all we have done is put people back in volunteered slavery because they cannot leave the plantation.. So, why is Brother Barry wanting to return to the glory years of the 60's and 70's and this truly American failure??

Friday, February 20, 2009


in The Ghetto Guarantee Mortgage

Dear Prudence,
After listening to an incredible sermon by the Messiah Brother Barry I came away with hope in all the catasrophe and crisis all around. I cannot see it personally, but that cute little Chris Matthews tells me that I need to be scared and this is the worst thing since the Great Depression. At least it is not as bad as Prohibition, but that is another thing altogether...However, in the midst of all this gloom and despair Brother Barry yet gave me hope so I can at least keep my house.

Brother Barry, in his sermon on the desert of Mesa, spoke of the platitudes of the new Ghetto Guaranteed Mortgage going to be once again another magnanamous govt gesture. Yes, even though I signed up for my house mortgage and did not really understand all that small print at the bottom of the pages I signed, Brother Barry tells me that help is on the way. He will personally guarantee that I will be able to keep my humble 3200 sq. ft house even though I am not working at this time...Let me shout for joy..."O hallelujah...He has performed another govt miracle."

Brother Barry even went further to state that all those responsible for this housing problem will be dealt with. I guess that my bank that lent me the money to buy my house is guilty of making me take out this mortgage. I thought it was so cute that it came with balloons and everything even though I really could not afford such a place....Brother Barry will make him pay for sure. The govt is will make us poorer people richer just by making those selfish rich ones pay our fair share...Besides, those rich people have more than enough and I have hardly any. I wonder if I can get them to pay my cable bill too??? HBO and Cinemax ain't cheap you know...

In only one month into his Presidency Brother Barry has performed might miracles only a messiah can do. Now, I wonder what is next for Brother Barry and the Brain Police in changing America to be more collective as a whole. health care??? responsible programming from all that hate speech on the radio???? or even a Senator from Illinois???

With Awestruck Eyes
Ms Ima Dipschitt


That is might sneaky of those demons of the Congress. Did you know that they inserted a major reform in health care to take of ALL of us??? You would think that they would announce this good news for all to hear. Why, I am sure that even the Republicans could go for this one. And to think that we ruined our chance to be just like the French, or even the incredible Fidel Castro, with all this change in the way America does health care. You mean the silence is deafening because they might not have read the damn bill??? What is worse yet is that they did read it and are not saying anything about it...Now, that is disheartening for sure. So, we conservatives are worried about tax cuts over the nationalization of our health care, economy, and energy? That has gots to change..
The liberal ideal for national health care is easy. We kill them in the womb because they a burden on the economics of society. The Botox bimbo told us so. After all, she is the same bimbo that told the world that she knows more about Catholic doctrine than the Pope himself. She also said that motherhood is one of the most enjoyable experiences a woman could have. I guess that if your a rich, white elitist bitch then it is more than fair for you to have children. However, in keeping with the tradition of one Margaret Sanger we must keep the population under strict control as to not upset the ladders of society. Of course, such humanitarians as Hitler, Stalin, and Mugabe has exercised to the most effective means necessary. We in the US need to learn more of these tactic as to control the population for the sake of society and economy...
Death Walks Behind the Unborn
The recent public caning of tax cheat Tom Daschle should come as a welcome relief. This not because he is an obvious elitist tax cheat, but all one has to do is read his book "
Critical: What We Can Do About the Health-Care Crisis." According to Daschle, doctors have to give up autonomy and "learn to operate less like solo practitioners." Wait a dadgum minute here. All doctors, and other medical personal, have to do is give up their right to work in private practice for the good of the collective? Those that do not join in on the new collective will subject to severe penalties. So much for private practice. Also, one has to note here that Daschle is a proponent of the European style of health care. In other words, he favors not using experimental medicines because of the cost factors, AND the worth of the patient to the collective society. In other words, once you are retired, elderly, and sickly you are not deemed worthy enough to require the best of medical care. You will qualify for the "hopeless diagnosis". In other words, you will be more inclined to be recommended by your medical person that "death with dignity" scene from Soylent Green.
Death Walks Behind The Elderly
Now, this is closing on the more perfect world for the liberal leftist mindset. Once, they have the solved the problem of taking care of the unborn/infant and the elderly because they are a drain on society it will be time to weed out the imperfect ones next. Those with handicaps can count on not getting anything but Brother Barry's heartfelt love and a welfare check to tide you over until you die from your infirmities. Children born with a mental or motor skills handicap will be placed in education centers away from the other children for their own good. After all, it is not good for the collective to be seen as weak and infirm, but offering ways to better society and the parents of these children by relieving them of this burden....
Death Walks Behind the Handicapped
It is your turn now. When will Death Walk Behind You? It is a matter of time folks. We quibble on the little things, but fail to see the big picture. We as a nation elected a Communist and now we pay the price for that choice...One more thing.